
2009 In Large Pictures

Satellite view of the Presidential Inauguration of Barack ObamaThe year in breathtaking pictures began with this unique view from space of history in the making (read: The Presidential Inauguration of Barack Obama). For more inauguration photos see The Big Picture, VentureBeat and The Frame.

Sarychev Peak Eruption, Kuril IslandsStill looking down, the crew aboard the International Space Station caught this image of the Sarychev Peak Eruption, Kuril Islands. If you like that, Wired also put together a gallery of erupting volcanoes on earth as seen from space.

International Space StationSpeaking of the ISS, back in March the Space Shuttle Discovery took some breathtaking parting shots.

Phobos' Stickney Impact CraterSetting out sights still higher, 2009 was a banner year for the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (or HiRISE) which produced enough amazing images to warrant a seperate list of its own. On that list however would be the HiRISE treatment of Mars' Moons: Deimos and Phobos.

Hubble Image of Jupiter Impact Site.Still in the nieghborhood, Hubble caught this image of Jupiter taking one for the team.

Quadruple Saturn Moon TransitHubble also snapped this image of a quadruple Saturn moon transit.

Along with the HiRISE project, 2009's other star was most certainly the Cassini mission which captured this--just one of many--rare and spectacular image of Saturn's equinox.

All-Sky Milky Way Panorama 2.0Zooming out only to be able to zoom back in, the highest resolution digital panorama of the observable sky yet went online.

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has made the deepest image of the universe ever taken in near-infrared light.Hubble's deep view of the universe got even deeper this year with the new Wide Field Camera 3 taking the deepest image yet.

Hubble, Spitzer and Chandra Composite of the Milky Way's Galactic CenterThere was also this truly unique view of the Milky Way's Galactic Center thanks to Hubble, Spitzer and Chandra.

While all these images are in no particular order, the next three are my favorites.

Star Birth in M83, the Southern PinwheelHubble image of star birth in M83, the Southern Pinwheel.

R136 resides in the 30 Doradus Nebula, a turbulent star-birth region in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC)Hubble image of star birth in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

July's solar eclipse viewed from space compliments of NASA's Earth Observatory.