
Raw Images #1

In the course of editing the LPB I happen upon a lot of great images that, in the end, I decide not to feature. This seemed like such a waste, but one has to have standards. However, around two months ago I decided to start bookmarking those images that didn't quit make the cut, and create a special file for them. The idea was that while individually these images didn't warrant a post of their own, collectively they might. Well, the time has come for the first in what I expect will be a long running series of posts featuring collections of great images that deserve a second look.

Clicking on the images will lead you to their original sources and the equally intriguing stories behind them.

The Cassini spacecraft's camera looks in near-infrared light at a dramatic view of Saturn, its ringplane and the shadows of a couple of its moons.

This image shows the first flash of sunlight reflected off a lake on Saturn's moon Titan.

This artist's rendering gives us a glimpse into a cosmic nursery as a star is born from the dark, swirling dust and gas of this cloud.

An unseen stellar nursery comes into view in this Herschel image. Some 700 newly-forming stars are estimated to be crowded into these colourful filaments of dust. The complex is part of a mysterious ring of stars called Gould’s Belt. This image shows a dark cloud 1000 light-years away in the constellation Aquila, the Eagle.

The remnants of a star that exploded and that appeared in Earth's sky almost a thousand years ago.

Color mosaic of the moon.

Cloud structures over the South Pacific, seen with the OSIRIS Imaging System’s narrow-angle camera.