
Welcome To The Large Picture Blog

About: If a picture is worth a thousand words, what's The Big Picture Blog worth? Worth imitating. Thus The Large Picture Blog (or LPB) came to be. The LPB is part of Field of Science, so telling stories about science using cool images in large format is the theme.

Send tips, questions, your high quality (large) images with permission to publish them, and/or other inquiries via the email icon link in the upper right.

NASA Image: EVAtion - Mission Specialist Bruce McCandless II, is seen further away from the confines and safety of his ship than any previous astronaut has ever been. This space first was made possible by the Manned Maneuvering Unit or MMU, a nitrogen jet propelled backpack. After a series of test maneuvers inside and above Challenger's payload bay, McCandless went "free-flying" to a distance of 320 feet away from the Orbiter.